Bungie wrapped up their Livestream reveal for Revenant Act 2 and we're here to recap it. Revenant Act 2 is launching alongside a bundle of make-good Free God Rolls on November 19th. There's a ton of new content, new Artifact Mods, new Weapons to chase, and a bunch of old Weapons to try out. All major points are detailed below.
Revenant Act 2 Livestream Recap
Bungie had a lot to bring to the metaphorical table in their Livestream, unveiling the curtain on Episode Revenant Act 2's content, sandbox changes, new cosmetics, and act 3's content?
Contest of Elders
A new set of Story Missions launch alongside Revenant Act 2, as well as the new Contest of Elders Activity.
Contest of Elders is a reimagining of Destiny 1's Prison of Elders, hosted by the Mad Warden AI we all killed back in the Warden of Nothing Strike. It's similar to The Coil and Deep Dives from past Seasonal Activities, while still staying true to its more nostalgic roots.
If you're not familiar with these things, the TLDR is: a linear gauntlet of rooms with things to kill and objectives to complete, and it's cooler than the ones that came before it.
- The Warden's Judgement mechanic allows you to easily check your Activity Score, which is increased by completing challenges.
- Poor Judgement makes the activity easier, and earning the Warden's Favor makes it harder. Having the Warden's Favor may let you Skip encounters - save time by playing well!
- Numerous enemy factions face off against you in hordes, including the Lucent Hive and Dread.
- Each enemy faction has their own unique mechanics that you need to deal with.
- Random events and modifiers challenge and empower your buildcrafting. These are more complex than similar mechanics have been in the past.
- Dismantle Mines, Yesssss? Or.... You Die.
Sandbox Changes
Roaming Supers are being massively buffed in PvE.
- They'll charge 2-3x faster, letting you use them more actively rather than just holding onto them in case of emergencies.
The Dawning
The Dawning Returns on December 10th, with a new suite of cosmetics, many of which you can acquire with freely earned Bright Dust. The Armor Sets are Dragon themed this time, and feature wings!
- Bake and deliver Cookies across the Solar System, with numerous QoL updates made since last year's!
- New 3 Burst Linear Fusion Rifle: Mistral Lift.
- Older Dawning Weapons are being reprised with new Rolls.
Act 3 Preview: New Exotic
Revenant Act 3 starts early into 2025, and Bungie won't have a preview stream for it on account of the holidays.
New Exotic Shotgun: Slayer's Fang - inherently Anti-Overload. It fires a Slug round that shatters on impact, creating secondary projectiles. Getting a kill with it grants a buff that gives Truesight (wall-hacks) and allows its secondary projectiles to Weaken targets. Reloads the entire 7 round magazine at once.
Streetfighter 6 Collab
- Universal Ornament Helmet for all 3 Classes: Blanca's head. Have fun with that!
- Street Fighter Character Ghost Shells
- New Finishers and Emotes based off iconic Street Fighter moves.
Doki Doki / Magical Girl Cosmetics
- 3 new sets of themed Universal Ornaments are coming soon, available for Silver or Bright Dust.
- What?
3 new Legendary Weapons are now obtainable!
Noxious Vetiver and Scavenger's Fate are Revenant Act 2's featured Weapons. They both feature the powerful Dark Ether Reaper Origin Trait which combines explosions and magazine-overflowing.
Gridskipper also returns from Season of the Splicer, a fan favorite. It now features the Splicer Surge Origin Trait, which is highly fitting since this must be reloaded frequently.
Noxious Vetiver God Rolls
Weapon | Type | Element | Craftable | Source | Origin Perk |
Noxious Vetiver | Primary | Arc | No | Revenant Activities | Dark Ether Reaper |
Recommended Roll
Frenzy Variant
Barrel | Magazine | Perk 1 | Perk 2 | Masterwork |
Fluted Barrel | Tactical Mag | Attrition Orbs | Jolting Feedback | Masterworked: Reload Speed |
Attrition Orbs is an often overlooked utility perk, it works best on Weapons that empty their magazines very quickly and oh boy does this SMG do that. Here, an Orb of Power is generated after merely 1.9~ seconds of sustained fire. Pair that Orb with Better Already and or Recuperation and you suddenly become extremely hard to kill.
The extremely powerful Jolting Feedback is a natural pairing perk, letting you effortlessly ad-clear through mass Jolt application while you hold the trigger down.
Precision Frame SMGs have poor Reload and Handling, so it's a good idea to use the Barrel, Magazine, and Masterwork to improve them.
Barrel | Magazine | Perk 1 | Perk 2 | Masterwork |
Smallbore | Alloy Magazine | Attrition Orbs | Frenzy | Masterworked: Range |
If your Build has plenty of Jolt application, you won't have much use for Jolting Feedback. The only synergistic alternative is Frenzy, which solves this Weapon's low base Handling and Reload Speed issues while giving it a handy 15% damage boost as long as you stay in the fight.
Since the (base) Reload and Handling Stats are solved, you can use your Barrel, Magazine, and Masterwork to boost its other Stats. Proccing Alloy Magazine gives a Reload Speed multiplier that stacks with Frenzy.
That boosted Reload makes it easier than it'd otherwise be to proc Attrition Orbs, too. This Roll maximizes your Orb Making potential.
Scavenger's Fate God Rolls
Weapon | Type | Element | Craftable | Source | Origin Perk |
Scavenger's Fate | Special | Void | No | Revenant Activities | Dark Ether Reaper |
Recommended PvE Roll
Barrel | Magazine | Perk 1 | Perk 2 | Masterwork |
Barrel Shroud | Assault Mag | Discord | Destabilizing Rounds Refit | Masterworked: Handling |
Most Shotguns don't find a PvE niche that sets them apart, and this one arguably doesn't. But it does have a gimmick going for it: Discord.
Get a kill with your Kinetic Weapon and swap to Scavenger's Fate, you have several seconds of ammo refunding itself whenever you land a kill with it. Pair with Destabilizing Rounds for added explosions, amounting to a respectable close-quarters-combat ad-clear option.
Gridskipper God Rolls
Weapon | Type | Element | Craftable | Source | Origin Perk |
Gridskipper | Primary | Void | No | Revenant Activities | Splicer Surge |
Recommended PvE Roll
Barrel | Magazine | Perk 1 | Perk 2 | Masterwork |
Fluted Barrel | Light Mag | Demolitionist | Multikill Clip | Masterworked: Reload Speed |
Demolitionist is the best overall option for your first Perk, why say no to more Grenade Energy? Pair it with Multikill Clip which synergizes with the Origin Trait to have a high damage and high utility daily-driver Primary Ammo Weapon.
Rapid-Fire Frame Pulse Rifles have poor Reload and Handling, so it's a good idea to use the Barrel, Magazine, and Masterwork to improve them. Splicer Surge does a lot of heavy lifting in this area.
New Artifact Perks
- Authorized Mods: Melee - When this Artifact Perk is selected, Melee-related Armor Mods have discounted Energy Costs.
- Emergency Flare Emergency Reinforcement is improved, now only consuming all but 1 stack of Armor Charge when activating.
- The Thick of it - Rapid final blows while surrounded give you a stack of Armor Charge. Boosting this Perk gives you improved Weapon Handling and Sword Charge Rate while surrounded.
- Curative Orbs - Breaking a Combatant's or a Super-using-Guardian's Shield creates an Orb of Power. Boosting this Perk lets it create Elemental Pickups.
- Arc Compounding - Arc Damage deals increased damage against Blinded targets.
The Perk RNG Controversy
One of the most impactful bugs in Destiny's history was recently uncovered by a massive community effort and patched. Everyone was impacted, so Bungie plans to make good with Free God Rolls and limited Double Loot for the recently released Vesper's Host Dungeon. More information below:
The Perk Weighting Bug
When Vesper's Host released, the coveted VS Chill Inhibitor God Roll made itself apparent as a prize for those willing to spend the time to farm it - or so people thought. Turns out a never-before documented bug was making this Weapon's particular God Roll of Envious Arsenal and Bait and Switch several times rarer than it should have been. The community rallied behind statistics and data collection tools and used them to prove that individual perk combinations were rarer or more likely on a Weapon-by-Weapon basis, across most if not all Weapons.
This caught Bungie by surprise and their initial investigation didn't support community findings, though ever-increasing community data helped them confirm and isolate this well-hidden bug. In addition to other goodies discussed below, Bungie also promised a write up about this Bug - it isn't out as of the time of writing, but you'll be able to find it on Bungie's Social Media and the Destiny 2 Website once it is.
As of November 5th, this bug has been patched.
Free God Rolls and Dungeon Double Loot
As an apology to players and as celebration of the community that rallied to find this most-evasive bug, Bungie has gifts in store for everyone:
- The Conqueror of Infinity Emblem, which has been in the game but unobtainable for quite a while. Obtain it by using the code VHT-6A7-3MM at Bungie.net/Redeem.
- The Vesper's Host Dungeon has double loot from encounter and Activity completions between November 19th and December 3rd. This is the best chance you'll ever have to get this Dungeon's God Rolls.
Starting November 19th alongside Revenant Act 2's release, Bungie is giving everyone* free curated God Rolls for Weapons that had desirable rolls made unreasonably hard to obtain due to this bug. Collect these Weapons from Banshee-44 in the Tower. It is unknown how long these will be available for, so get them sooner than later!
* Provided Dungeon Weapons require ownership of that Dungeon and at least one completion of it. If you don't own the Lightfall or The Final Shape Dungeon Passes yet, we invite you to learn more about them so you can make an informed purchase.
Free God Roll: Rose
Weapon | Type | Element | Craftable | Source | Grip / Stock |
Rose | Primary | Kinetic | No | Competitive Crucible Playlist | Smooth Grip |
Barrel | Magazine | Perk 1 | Perk 2 | Masterwork |
Fluted Barrel | Accurized Rounds | Slideshot | Explosive Payload | Masterworked: Handling |
Rose is a Stat Monster among all the 140 RPM Hand Cannons in PvP. It's the only Lightweight Frame Hand Cannon, which makes it invaluable for anyone who values speed in PvP (that should be everyone). This is a PvP God Roll.
This specific Roll doubles down on the Stat advantages. Slideshot and Weapon components massively increase all relevant PvP Stats, while Explosive Payload massively increases the Weapon's effective range. This curated God Roll is a highly adaptive work horse of a gun that you hold onto for whenever you dare to venture into the Crucible.
Is this God Roll good enough to not bother hunting for a better Roll? Yes! Only improvements to be made from here are rather subjective, like opting for Smallbore or a Range Masterwork.
Free God Roll: Multimach CCX
Weapon | Type | Element | Craftable | Source | Origin Perk |
Multimach CCX | Primary | Kinetic | No | Iron Banner | Field-Tested |
Barrel | Magazine | Perk 1 | Perk 2 | Masterwork |
Polygonal Rifling | Tactical Mag | Attrition Orbs | Kinetic Tremors | Masterworked: Reload Speed |
Multimach CCX once terrorized the crucible, now it terrorizes PvE combatants. You'd normally need to face down the terrors of Iron Banner to get yourself this God Roll, but Bungie's done the lot of us a solid with this handout.
A similarly rolled Multimach CCX is this Article's Author's most used Primary as of late - I cannot recommend trying this one out enough.
Attrition Orbs is an often overlooked utility perk, it works best on Weapons that empty their magazines very quickly and oh boy does this SMG do that. Here, an Orb of Power is generated after merely 1.7~ seconds of sustained fire. Pair that Orb with Better Already and or Recuperation and you suddenly become extremely hard to kill. Kinetic Tremors is the natural pairing perk, allowing you to do shockingly high burst damage to single targets and anything surrounding them.
Is this God Roll good enough to not bother hunting for a better Roll? Yes! The Magazine, Masterwork, and Origin Trait maximize your Reload Speed, the most important Stat for this Roll. The only improvement from here is subjective, Fluted Barrel's bonus handling feels pretty nice - not nice enough to suffer in Iron Banner, though.
Free God Roll: Indebted Kindness
Weapon | Type | Element | Craftable | Source | Origin Perk |
Indebted Kindness | Special | Arc | No | Warlord's Ruin Dungeon | Sundering |
Barrel | Magazine | Perk 1 | Perk 2 | Masterwork |
Smart Drift Control | Tactical Mag | Loose Change | Voltshot | Masterworked: Velocity |
Indebted Kindness, the first Rocket-Assisted Frame Sidearm, and far from the last. You need to brave through Warlord's Ruin to obtain this curated God Roll and to get it to drop normally. This specific Roll is better than most, so if you're good with good enough, this handout is primed to please you.
Loose Change and Voltshot are a highly synergistic pairing, letting this Weapon ad clear primarily through Jolt rather than it's propelled explosives. This God Roll is almost universally useful, though it's unlikely to be the best possible option in every given scenario.
Is this God Roll good enough to not bother hunting for a better Roll? Mostly. Impulse Amplifier's reload boost is similar to Loose Change, but it's ALWAYS active and comes with a handy Velocity boost. Voltshot's great but a lot of people also value Attrition Orbs or Surrounded for this Weapon. Indebted Kindness offers more than what's on the curated handout, but this one's good enough.
Free Roll: Compass Rose
Weapon | Type | Element | Craftable | Source | Origin Perk |
Compass Rose | Special | Solar | No | Solstice (Summer Event) | Dream Work Nadir Focus |
Barrel | Magazine | Perk 1 | Perk 2 | Masterwork |
Corkscrew Rifling | Light Mag | Slideshot | Snapshot Sights | Masterworked: Handling |
Compass Rose normally comes from Destiny 2's Solstice Summer Event, and now this Roll is sourced from Banshee-44's stock as Winter rapidly approaches. This specific Roll isn't ideal, it's a better-if-you-have-nothing-else PvP Roll.
Slideshot and Snapshot Sights are both generally appreciated PvP Perks, but most would agree that Snapshot Sights is far from optimal, here. PvP Shotguns value Range and Accuracy. Handling is nice too but preferably the kind that helps you swap between Weapons faster. This Roll is going to perform decently in PvP, feeling very snappy and somewhat consistent, but it's going to get out-dueled by any God Roll.
Is this Roll good enough to not bother hunting for a better Roll? No. This Weapon needs Opening Shot instead of Snapshot Sights. You can't actually farm yourself a better Roll of this until Solstice comes back, though.
Free Roll: The Hothead (Adept)
Weapon | Type | Element | Craftable | Source | Origin Perk |
The Hothead (Adept) | Power | Arc | No | Nightfalls (Legacy) | Stunning Recovery Vanguard's Vindication |
Barrel | Magazine | Perk 1 | Perk 2 | Masterwork |
Hard Launch | Impact Casing | Tracking Module | Clown Cartridge | Masterworked: Reload Speed |
The Hothead (Adept) is a relatively old Nightfall Weapon, it stopped being featured a while ago so it's normally sourced from Zavala's Legacy Focusing options. You can't actually get the Adept version of this normally, though.
Clown Cartridge is an excellent perk for Rocket Launchers. Tracking Module is highly questionable - it's hard to miss with these Weapons as is and the Perk itself isn't actually good at its job. There are better Rocket Launchers, but this Roll works if you don't have a self respecting Arc option in your Vault yet.
Is this Roll good enough to not bother hunting for a better Roll? No. This is the worst Roll among these handouts, by far. Tracking Module is a horrible perk. For this Weapon, aim for Field Prep instead. Realistically though, it's easier to farm for the similar Crux Termination IV.
Free God Roll: VS Chill Inhibitor
Weapon | Type | Element | Craftable | Source | Origin Perk |
VS Chill Inhibitor | Power | Stasis | No | Vesper's Host Dungeon | Bray Legacy |
Barrel | Magazine | Perk 1 | Perk 2 | Masterwork |
Countermass | Spike Grenades | Envious Arsenal | Bait and Switch | Masterworked: Reload Speed |
VS Chill Inhibitor is the reason these handout curated God Rolls exist in the first place, the dozens of hours hundreds of individuals have each wasted trying to get this roll ensured that you can get it easily. If you know who they are, thank them! Normally randomly sourced from the Vesper's Host Dungeon, this Grenade Launcher is inarguably the best Power Weapon in this Episode's Sandbox - all you have to do to get it is complete the Dungeon once. Its Frame and Perks put it a cut above the rest when it comes to obliterating bosses.
Envious Arsenal and Bait and Switch both activate while firing and rotating between your Weapons, the former instantly Reloads the Weapon and the latter provides an insane 30% damage boost. Together, they form a Grenade Launcher vastly superior to all others for Boss damage rotations. This curated Roll should be treasured.
Is this God Roll good enough to not bother hunting for a better Roll? Yes! Though, you still may want to brave through Vesper's Host for the other Weapons within it. This Roll isn't perfect, Hard Launch would very slightly increase the Weapon's damage output, and the Reload Masterwork is doing absolutely nothing. Note that neither of those potential optimizations amount to much, just that you may get formerly-impossibly-lucky to get your hands on a true 5/5.
Looking for more news on Destiny 2, Episode Revenant, or its second act, or have other questions about the game? Then head over to ourDiscordand select the Destiny 2 role in Channels & Roles to stay up to date with our content development. See you starside, Guardians!
Written by: Xtra37
Reviewed by: Tenkiei